Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Update - Alfalfa and Clover !

Here's a shot of my middle acre - it's Grazer alfalfa from Welter Seed. Coming in nicely albeit slower than annuals and a bit more sparse. Next year, it'll be thick. Alfalfa has an allelopathic characteristic-choking out other plants. I prepped this in early May with Roundup and then broadcast early June and rolled right before rain.

This is my front acre-Extreme from the Whitetail Institute-white clover, chicory and small burnett - all hearty perennials. I'm seeing deer in it regularly.

Here's a shot of my southern acre-generic white clover from Lowell Feed Store-now this is some great food. Sprayed Roundup on it a few times in the summer, then broadcast and rolled it early last fall. Now it's just so great and lush-had to mow it-it was 8" tall! I am seeing deer in it nightly.

All in all, I may not even do rape/turnips this year-with this much solid food, we'll see deer in here until we've got heavy snows. By then, the freezer should be full of venison.

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