Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fawn size

Regular fawn:

Compare to this one-I'm hoping this is a buck. Look at how big he is compared to the other one.

Check out the antlers on this guy-a bit odd.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bucks - FINALLY!

You can see the deer really like the clover.

Nice 8 pointer...

So, we almost fell off the chair when this bad boy showed...

He's got a broken off left tip. Looks like he may be 14 this fall. Our gene pool is tall here, not wide. He's impressive. Have to let him walk and continue breeding.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer update - Deer

Fawn with mother - pretty neat.

I have to say, he's no trophy. So far, only seen one or 2 bucks, all on the small side.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Update - Alfalfa and Clover !

Here's a shot of my middle acre - it's Grazer alfalfa from Welter Seed. Coming in nicely albeit slower than annuals and a bit more sparse. Next year, it'll be thick. Alfalfa has an allelopathic characteristic-choking out other plants. I prepped this in early May with Roundup and then broadcast early June and rolled right before rain.

This is my front acre-Extreme from the Whitetail Institute-white clover, chicory and small burnett - all hearty perennials. I'm seeing deer in it regularly.

Here's a shot of my southern acre-generic white clover from Lowell Feed Store-now this is some great food. Sprayed Roundup on it a few times in the summer, then broadcast and rolled it early last fall. Now it's just so great and lush-had to mow it-it was 8" tall! I am seeing deer in it nightly.

All in all, I may not even do rape/turnips this year-with this much solid food, we'll see deer in here until we've got heavy snows. By then, the freezer should be full of venison.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tree Swallows

What is it about these sleek, fast, darting swallows, dressed in dark green tuxedos. They let me get within 6'.

Then there's this tall pole in the garden. He loves the high perch:

Monday, February 22, 2010