Sunday, May 24, 2009

Spring progress report

WOW-check this out- Extreme from Whitetail Institute is a combo of chicory and small burnett. After good rains and fertilizing with 100# of 19-19-19, check out the serious deer chow.

Here's a location that gets afternoon shade. It seems to relish the cooler spot.

Last fall, in the acre at the rear of my property, I put in rye. The deer came to it during hunting season. Check it out now; we're talking harvest here. That's about 4' tall.

Here's a good shot of the chicory. My soil isn't that great, but it really takes off. As a hearty perennial, it keeps coming back year after year.

So here's the plan for my middle acre. I have 5 piles of horse manure going to compost. Mid summer, I'll turn that manure under and plant rape and turnips. They are heavy nitrogen users and need that boost. That'll be my fall hunting plot. I'm putting it in earlier than normal, probably mid July. Here in MI, I have put it in mid-aug, and it was ok, but I'd like to see it produce more and the extra 30 days should take care of that. They aren't tasty till frost, I'm told, but I've seen the deer hit it hard prior.

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