Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer Mowing

Summer is here and I’d like to say that I underestimated the power of mowing. With annual weeds, if you cut them off before they seed, you safely eliminate them from returning to your plot. This means that you can make a huge dent in weed problems in your plots just by hitting it with the brushog or mower. It also means no chemicals, spraying, etc. It’s a much more natural method of weed control, and very effective.

Don’t mow on very hot days, or if no rain is predicted, as it can be overly stressful on your plot plants.

You’ll likely notice that as we head into full summer, your clovers will tend to go dormant. Not a problem, as there is plenty of other forage out there for our whitetail friends. This is a good time to see if your plot is producing as you want, and assess if you should re-think your plans. Now is also a good time to begin disking, twice a month, for a fall planting, if you decide to re-do your plot.

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