If you're serious about food plots, you'll need a real tractor, although it is true that much can be done with a quad and even no-till methods can be appropriate for those in a pinch financially, or those that simply don't have accessibility to an open space to warrant a tractor.
I just purchased this 1948 Ford 8n along with a brushog and a disk and cultipacker. If you're thinking of a tractor, consider the Ford 2N/8N/9N series, or any tractor with a 3 point assembly. This baby runs great, parts are readily available at great prices, and getting repair work done on them is a snap. The 3 point allows you to pick up implements while moving, whereas tractors that do not have this are much more cumbersome to operate.
Quads also do a nice job, but they will take longer to get the job done.
Another option is simply renting a tractor, or finding a local farmer that will do the work for you. Considering that most clover food plots will last 5 years, that rent money is well spent.
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